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1. Purpose of Eiruv techumin 2. Trying to find a specific Gemora in Eruvin... 3. Moving dirt on Shabbos
4. Kikar Zo Alai

Bernard asked:

I can't remember where I saw the following in Eruvin: Trying to find the Gemora in Eruvin that says that a specific case of Tevel is referring to a situation that they had exactly one kezayos and they could not take off terumos/maaser

Where was that Gemora...(it is in the first half of Eruvin)


Good Shabbos

Bernard, new york

The Kollel replies:

Shalom and thanks for your question. I think you are referring to Gemara on Daf 30b, which suggests a case where the entire Eiruv was exactly the size of two meals, thus if he would separate T'rumos/Ma'asros, there would not be enough Chulin remaining for the Eiruv. (The Gemora quickly rejects this possibility.)

Kol tuv.

Yehuda Landy