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4. Hashra'as ha'Shechinah 5. Melachah she'Einah Tzericha l'Gufah 6. Author of Tehillim 24
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16. תקנות משה רבינו

Yeshaya Avner asks:

Why did Hash-m agree to give a sign to Dovid that his sin was forgiven ONLY AFTER HIS DEATH, as explained in Shabbos 30A and Tehillim 24?

Yeshaya Avner

The Kollel replies:

I think that the simplest explanation is that Hash-m wanted Dovid to have an atonement or test through the fact that people still suspected him of not being forgiven for this sin, and looked down on him because of this. However, if you would like a different answer, see the Ben Yehoyada on our Gemara who discusses this at length.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose