More Discussions for this daf
1. "Zeh Neheneh v'Zeh Lo Chaser" 2. hakol bide shamamim chutz mitsinim upachim 3. Chiyuv Sekilah b'Li Eidem v'Hasra'ah
4. אריא וגנבי

Jacky asked:

hi, the gemara says that Hakol bide shamamim chutz mitsinim upachim and rashi says that tsinim upachim SOMETIMES come b'pshia.

The question is, that no the gemara is saying is not bide shamamim its bide adam??? an answer could be that rashi is just saying that its not 100% bide shamaim and its also bide adam, but this is not what the gemara is saying, the gemara seems to say is not bide shamaim and it is 100% bide adam???

thanks for your help...

Jacky, Panama

The Kollel replies:

You can find the answer to your question by learning Tosfos (DH "ha'Kol bi'Dei"), who starts off with your assumption that it is always bi'Dei Adam. Tosfos states that when a person is travelling it is not his fault if he becomes overheated when he needs to cross a hot area. One could similarly say that if one is trapped outside when unseasonally bad weather arrives, it is not his fault that he did not have a coat. This could be what Rashi means when he says that Tzinim u'Pachim sometimes come b'Peshia.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose