More Discussions for this daf
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4. 30B Rashi 5. Leining on a Ta'anis When There Aren't 6 Fasters 6. Leining For Chol Ha'Moed Sukos
7. Seder Parashiyos Hu Chozer 8. Tes Zayin 9. רש"י ד"ה מילי דמתא
10. כשחל בשבת 11. פרשת זכור

jona asks:

(Rav): If Rosh Chodesh Adar falls on Friday, we read Parashas Shekalim the previous Shabbos;

(Shmuel): We read it the next day.

Rav says we read early, so there will be two weeks before the tables are set up;....

My Question:

According to Rashi: Rav holds like Rabbi shimon ben Gamliel (2 shabboth needed).

However, Does (In Pssachim daf6) Rav hold (30 days) not Like Rabbi shimon ben gamliel?

SO According to Rashi How does Rashi learn the gemara (See on top of page). What is the reason that Rav disagrees with Shmuel according to Rashi?

Shmuel says that since the 15th will fall on Friday, the tables are not set up until Sunday the 17th. Therefore, we can read on the second, and this is two weeks beforehand.

Why Can't we read it the next day Like Shmuels reason, given.?

jona, Melboure, Australia

The Kollel replies:

(Please forgive the delay in response. Technical problems prevented the mailing of a number of responses.)

1) The Gemara in Pesachim (6a) does not mention what the opinion of Rav is concerning the dispute between Raban Shimon ben Gamliel and the Rabanan. However, it still is surpising that Rashi should write that Rav holds like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, since his is the minority opinion and the Halachah does not follow him.

2) The Rashba gives a reason for why the Gemara here seems to follow Raban Shimon ben Gamliel. Rav explains that even according to Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, if one reads Parshas Shekalim after Rosh Chodesh this does not allow sufficient time before the tables are set up, and even more so according to Rabanan it does not allow enough time. According to this, one does not have to say that Rav commits himself specifically to the opinion of Raban Shimon ben Gamliel.

Even though the Rashba later rejects this explanation, one nevertheless can say that Rashi agrees with this, so when Rashi writes that one must read Shekalim before Rosh Chodesh this means that even according to Raban Shimon ben Gamliel it must be read before Rosh Chodesh, and certainly according to the Rabanan this is necessary, in order to allow 30 days before the new Korban is brought in Nisan.

3) The Rosh Yosef, written by the author of the Pri Megadim, writes in his commentary on Megilah that the reason why Rav does not agree with Shmuel is "Lo Plug." In other words, even though Rav agrees with Shmuel that when Rosh Chodesh falls on Friday we do not set up the tables on Friday, 15 Adar, because of the honor of the forthcoming Shabbos, but rather they are set up on Sunday, 17 Adar, as Shmuel says, nevertheless since in other years the day for setting up the tables is 15 Adar, Rav maintains that it is always necessary to have two weeks between Parshas Shekalim and 15 Adar, even if Rosh Chodesh Adar falls on Friday. We always require two weeks between reading Parshas Shekalim and 15 Adar even in this unusual type of year when the tables are set up on 17th.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom