Re: The Mishnah 29b:
Nodos ha'Ovdei Kochavim v'Kankeneihen v'Yayin Shel Yisrael Kenus Ba'Hen Asurin v'Isuran Isur Hana'ah
I am correct in assuming that the Mishnah here rules against the position of Nosein Ta'am li'Fegam Mutar?
Shmuel Wise, Lakewood
1) The Ran (page 40a of the pages of the Rif, DH v'Kulan) cites the Ramban who says that our Mishnah maintains that Nosein Ta'am li'Fegam is permitted. According to this, there are two ways of understanding our Mishnah:
(a) When the Mishnah states that the cans are prohibited, this merely means that they require a Hechsher in the first place if one wants to use them, but if one did use the utensils, the wine placed inside would not become forbidden.
(b) One must say that the utensils of the Akum referred to in the Mishnah have been used with forbidden wine within the last 24 hours. If they had not been used within the last 24 hours, the wine inside the cans would be permitted b'Di'eved.
2) The Chidushei ha'Ritva (Avodah Zarah 75b, DH Od) writes that the Ramban's explanation -- that our Mishnah is referring only to vessels which have been used in the last 24 hours -- is highly forced. The Ritva also cites his teacher, the Rashba, who argued that it is a well-proven fact that the taste of wine improves the longer it is in the barrel, so it is not applicable to say Nosein Ta'am li'Fegam concerning wine. The Rashba also writes in Teshuvas ha'Meyuchasos (#167) that his custom was not to follow the Ramban on this matter.
3) The Shach (Yoreh Deah 137:10) rules that Nosein Ta'am li'Fegam does not apply to wine. On the contrary, the older the wine is, the better it tastes.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom