The Gem. explains That Shmuel doesn't say like Rav because of the ones that enter late and the ones that leave early. Meaning that they might come to believe that it is OK to read only two Pesukim, because that is all that they heard being read.
Why is he also not worried that the Yotzim and the Nechnosim will think that it is OK to break a Posuk in half since they are hearing a Posuk being read that way.
In fact why isn't he worried that even if they don't come late or leave early, that they will learn from here that its OK to break a Posuk in half?
Kol Tuv
alex lebovits, toronto, canada
Shmuel was not as worried about people believing that one may split up a Pasuk as he was about people believing that one may read less than three Pasukim. If one reads less than three Pasukim one has not fulfilled the Takanah of Krias ha'Torah, and his Berachah would be considered a Berachah l'Vatalah. However, splitting up a Pasuk is not so strict, as we see from the fact that when necessary we permit splitting up a Pasuk.
Dov Freedman