We see here that it is a Machlokes about whether Meilah applies in an unavoidable situation. In B'haaloschah 11:16 we see from Rashi that the original Zekeinim were killed because they got Hanaah from the Ziv Hashchinah- the actual lashon of Rashi is Kalut Rosh- is that not the same issue here?- the situation was unavoidable and they got Hanaah?- & it she-ein bo Mamash -if it is the same, why would the Gemarrah not use this as a proof that it is not permissible and that seeing is mamash.
M. Zians, Hamilton,Canada
The Zekeinim did not have to have Kalus Rosh in front of the Shechinah. This was avoidable, and therefore not comparable to our Sugya.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose