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1. Question on Review Question 1a 2. Kol Mar'eh and Re'ach 3. Me'ilah and Kavanah
4. Meilah By Seeing 5. Tanur - Orlah

yehuda burnham asked:

The Gemara is trying to prove whether in a case where it is impossible not to be mo'el and you have kavanah to be neheneh is it assur or mutar. They try to bring a proof from the fact that they would lower ppl into the Kodesh Hakodashim in special baskets to prevent them from being neheneh. And the gemara says: Here it impossible not to, and we're afraid that you will be michavein to have hana'a?

But why are we saying it's impossible not to have hana'a, of course it's possible, by lowering ppl in baskets????

Thanks so much,


The Kollel replies:

Tosfos 25b DH Lo Efshar proves from this that Lo Efshar in our Sugya does not mean that it is impossible, rather that it is possible only with bother. This is also the opinion of the Ritva, Ran, and Rabeinu Peretz.

Dov Freedman