my question is. Im trying to understand the Gemara question. The Gemara askd maybe the extra vav and hey are coming to include a beged which is of other materiials. The GHemara answers and says, no that cant be the Pasuk explicitly says "beged tzemer upishtim". So, now is the gemara's response like this that really the extra letters vav and hey are coming to exclude anything which is 3 by 3 fingerbreadths from the group of ritual impurity meaning that it can be "Mekabel Tumah". And anything that is more than that size like 3 by 3 handbreadths even if its not wool or linen it could "Mekabel Tumah' ? please respond to this message ASAP. Please tell me if i understood this gemara properly. If not when you have time it would be deeply appreciated if you could spend your own writing me the correct explanation. Thank you.
gabriel shagabayev, brooklyn
Dear Gabriel,
The explanation is slightly different. In the beginning, the Gemara wanted to include Tum'ah of other materials because of Vav and Heh, but "Tzemer" and "Pishtim" stops that.
Asks the Gemara: Perhaps Vav and Heh can still include other materials but only if they are at least 3 Tefachim, and "Tzemer u'Pishtim" only stops 3 fingerbreadths of other materials.
The Gemara answers that there are two exclusions of other materials; since "Tzemer u'Pishtim" is written twice, it stops both 3 fingers and 3 Tefachim.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner