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4. Talmud using Avodah Zarah as Example 5. Object in an Old Wall 6. Money Lost in Someone Else's House
7. Siman on Money

Yehuda Yomtov asked:

Hi. (My son asked me this, and I have no clue..)

In Baba Metziah 25b Avoda Zarah is mentioned as an example (Beis Kulis). Why does the Talmud bring that as an example? Don't we try to avoid mentioning such names?


Yehuda Yomtov, Brooklyn, USA

The Kollel replies:

Rabeinu Tam in Tosfos (DH k'Avnei) was bothered by your question (see Shita Mekubetzes who explains that this is the question that Rabeinu Tam in Tosfos was coming to answer). Tosfos answers that the Avodah Zarah is called Kilus which is an expression of praise but the Gemara changed this to Kulis which signifies Keles, disgrace, as in Tehilim (44:14).

Dov Freedman