how come in a.v. 3b it says that eveything is in hashem;s hands besides hot and cold, but another gemara (megilah 25a) thaT evetyhing is in hashem's hands besides that fear of him! so what's pshat!
yehoshua rabinowitz, b.h., L.A.
Tosfos (Bava Metzia 107b and Nidah 16b) reconciles this apparent contradiction and says that the Gemara of "Tzinim u'Fachim" is talking about things that happen to a person, of which all is decreed other than "Tzinim u'Fachim" which can be avoided by the person taking certain measures on his own accord, while the Gemara of Yir'as Shamayim is talking about character traits which are predetermined -- except for one's level of Yir'as Shamayim.
Dov Zupnik