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1. Ihu Mib'is Nafshei 2. Etzem Dildel 3. Ma'aser Sheni
4. Kelal u'Perat u'Kelal

Aaron Gal asked:

Harav, Shalom:

I learned that what a man redeem his own Ma'aser Sheni he needs to pay Chomesh, but if someone else redeem it he does not need to pay Chomesh. What is the common way that one Jew will redeem to anther Jew (In Israel when the Mikdash Kayam)?

If, for example, Reuven has Ma'asar Sheni, then instead of taking it to Yerushalayim, he can sell it to Shimon; the holiness will transfer from the Peirot Ma'sar Sheni to the money. Now Reuven will take the money to Yerushalyim, and Shimon has Peirot which are simple Chulin. In this how it work when one redeem to the other?

B'Chavod Rav,

Aaron Gal, Fair Lawn, New Jersey USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Aaron,

It works also the way you wrote (see Ma'aser Sheni 4:6 and Rambam Hilchos Ma'aser Sheni 8:7). But the simple way of another redeeming is as follows: that Shimon redeems Reuven's Ma'aser Sheni fruit on to Shimon's money. Reuven remains with Chulin fruit and Shimon takes the money to Yerushalayim.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner