Someone asked me about Tosfos that says Al HaNissim is pirsumei nisa during Tefillah with a tzibbur. Is it because of Chazaras hashatz? What about Maariv? I said they instituted all the tefillos together.
avrohom sebrow, United States
When a Minyan of men davens together the silent Shemoneh Esreh, it is considered Tefilah b'Tzibur, as opposed to Chazaras ha'Shatz which is Tefilas ha'Tzibur (Nefesh ha'Rav, Rav Hershel Schachter, p. 125). Tosfos appears to hold that Tefilah b'Tzibur creates Pirsumei Nisa, in which case it applies to Ma'ariv as well.
Avraham Phillips