Somone once told me there is a signifigance to the reason the Gemurah uses the name Yosef Ben SHimon, is this true, and what is it and where is the MAreh MAkom?
R' Tzadok ha'Kohen mi'Lublin (in Pri Tzadik, Parshas Korach) says that all of Bnei Yisrael are called Yosef as the Pasuk says that we are "She'eiris Yosef" (Amos 5:15). Being that Shimon shares the Midah of being "Shomer ha'Bris" with Yosef (despite the fact that twenty-four thousand from Shevet Shimon were killed because of Bnos Midyan), we call a regular person Yosef ben Shimon.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose