More Discussions for this daf
1. The Se'ir of Nachshon 2. Doing business with Tamei animals 3. Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Levi on Isurei Achilah and Isurei Hana'ah
4. Trading pigskins 5. Eating Neveilah 6. Giving a Yerech
7. She'eilah for Terumah 8. איסור הנאה בשור הנסקל לפי הרמב"ם

F. Lax asked:

It says you can give a yerech to a nonjew because the gid is recognizeable how come by neveila the posuk says you can give to a nonjew but its not recognizeable how come we worry by gid

F. Lax

The Kollel replies:

Hello there and thanks for your excellent question. The truth is that the Mishnah you mentioned actually appears in Chulin 93b. The Gemara there discusses the issue you raise, why are we worried about the Gid, seemingly there is no problem of Neveilah. The Gemara there offers a few possibilities depending on the local customs.

Kol Tuv

Y. Landy