you use the word leper on this page. I thought it was pretty well established that Metzora has nothing to do with leprosy whatsoever. It is a miracle not the medicaln condition called leprosy. Do you have rishonim to back you up?
MG, bklyn usa
Shalom! I looked through our Insights, Background, Review Questions, Review Answers, Outlines of the Daf, Outlines of the Halachah, Revach l'Daf, and the only place I found leper was in the Outlines:
"(f) Answer: A male Metzora does Pri'ah (Tana'im argue if his means to let his hair grow, or to bare his head) and tears his clothes. A female leper does not"
If that is what you are referring to, we will make it consistent and write "Metzora" by the female as well, thank you for pointing it out.
By the way, I can't remember sources that say Tzara'as is a miraculous human ailment (non-existent today), as opposed to leprosy. I am only aware of the Rambam (end of Hilchos Tzara'as) and Ramban (Vayikra 13:47) and others who write that Nig'ei Batim and Begadim are miraculous and have no natural counterpart. In fact, as far as I can tell, Chazal use the word "Metzora" freely even when referring to the physical human malady, unrelated to the Halachic condition. Please let me know what your sources are.
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf