Why does the Gemara give the p'sak of potchim b'charata, and then immediately give three more cases of finding a petach for various nedarim? Doesn't that seem to negate the p'sak?
Tuvya Marcus, Jerusalem, IL
Dear Tuvya,
The Rishonim relate to your question. Actually the Gemara sometimes brings Amora A who gives a Psak one way and then Amora B who differs. But here, Rav Nachman said Poschim b'Charatah and he himself looked for a Pesach for Rav Sechora!
Tosfos answers that Rav Sechora did not have Charatah from the beginning and therefore a Pesach was needed. The Ran answers that Rav Nachman knew that Rav Sechora wanted to be Machmir to use a Pesach or that here using Charatah would uproot his Mitzvah and so a Pesach was more in order.
The last two cases can also be answered that R. Yishmael and Abaye wanted to be Machmir.
See Yoreh Deah 228:7 that even though Charatah is enough, the Minhag is to be Machmir. See there for more details.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner