In the discussion about use of pesukim for learning different things, where does R' Abahu know that Dam Kodoshim Eino Machshir, if he uses the Hekesh already for something else?
Kol Tuv
Meir Eliezer Bergman, Manchester UK
This is not a problem, since a Hekesh, unlike a Ribuy or a Miy'ut, can include more than one thing, as Chazal have said 'Ein Hekesh le'Mechtzah' (once the Torah compares a. to b., they are compared in all practical regards).
In any event, R. Avahu could also learn R. Chiya bar Aba's Din from the fact that the Torah uses a Lashon of "Tishpechenu".
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.