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1. Charatah 2. Had Israel Not Sinned 3. Ran on absolving a Neder l'Chatchilah

Y Cohen asks:

Rav Adda, son of Rabbi ?anina, said: Had Israel not sinned in earlier times they would have been given the five books of the Torah and the book of Joshua alone. They needed the book of Joshua because it includes the arrangement of Eretz Yisrael. Why is this? "Because with more wisdom there is more anger"

Is this a bad thing associated with anger ? What does this have to do with sugya?

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

The Ran explains it nicely: The reason why Hash-m added the other Sefarim of Tanach is that the many wise words of the Nevi'im point to the behavior of Yisrael that greatly angered ha'Kkadosh Baruch Hu. The Maharsha gives a similar explanation.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler