More Discussions for this daf
1. Following a minority view 2. Bowing down on Yom Kipur 3. Rosh Chodesh Torah Reading
4. Even Maskis 5. Torah reading on Ta'anit Tzibur 6. Why 7 Aliyos on Shabbos
7. Public reading of the Torah during the week 8. Tosfos DH Ein Maschilin 9. Half Pesukim
10. Point Outlines 11. how many Aliyos on a Ta'anis 12. תוס' ד"ה אין מתחילין

Marc Chipkin asked:

The Gemara discusses (22a)if there are 3 or 4 aliyot on a Ta'anit Tzibur: but where do we learn that there is a mitzvah to read the Torah on a Ta'anit Tzibur at all? Granted, the Gem assumes (29a) that this is the case and a baraita on 22b mentions it but is there a Mishnaic source?

Marc Chipkin, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Kollel replies:

The source is the Mishnah at the end of the fourth Perek, which says, "b'Ta'aniyos b'Berachos

u'Klalos." See the Rosh there.

D. Zupnik