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10. Point Outlines 11. how many Aliyos on a Ta'anis 12. תוס' ד"ה אין מתחילין

allen schuldenfrei asked:

towards the bottom of 22a the gemara seeks to prove from the story of Rav who visited Bavel on a ta'anis Tzibbur and received an aliyah and made the opening beracha but not the concluding beracha.

I am somewhat confused by the give and take of the gemara.

1. is the gemara's conclusion that no proof either way can be brought from that story?

2. I suppose that if Rav did not make an ending beracha it's because one of two reasons.

A. he recieved the first aliyah and therefore no need for concluding beracha and no proof as to how many aliyas on a taanis.

B. he received the 3rd aliya. He made the opening beracha because it's after the takana; but did not make a concluding beracha because there will be a 4th aliyah and the reason for the takana did not apply.

Therefore, no proof either way.

Is this understanding correct?


allen schuldenfrei, baltimore, maryland usa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Allen,

The Gemara asks: How many Aliyos are there on a Ta'anis -- 3 or 4?

The Gemara tries to prove that there are 4 Aliyos, since Rav would receive the 3rd Aliyah, and if he did not make the end-Berachah, that must mean that there was a 4th Aliyah.

The Gemara then suggests that perhaps Rav received the 1st Aliyah, and that is why he did not make the end-Berachah.

The Gemara tries to prove that it was the 1st Aliyah by arguing that if it was the 3rd, then why did Rav not make the end-Berachah like he made the beginning-Berachah? The Gemara, however, refutes, the proof.

Accordingly, if Rav had Shlishi, that would prove that there was also a 4th Aliyah. But since it is possible that he had the 1st Aliyah, there is no proof for 4 Aliyos on a Ta'anis.

As for your suggestions (2a and 2b), 2a seems accurate, but regarding 2b, it is clear from the Gemara that if he received the 3rd Aliyah there is proof for 4 Aliyos on a Ta'anis.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner