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T Stern asked:

I always thought that since animals dont have choice (bechira), than if one would kill and even eat a person, it is only because of Hash-m's hashgacha i.e. it should always be viewed as "mushleches". So how is there even a concept of "not mushleches"?

T Stern, RBS

The Kollel replies:

'Meshulachas' and 'not Meshulachas' are a matter of whether the animals are in a certain location naturally, or whether Hash-m sent them there.

Having said that, it is possible for a wild animal, even if it is 'Meshulachas' not to kill someone (because Hash-m decreed that it should not). Likewise, it is possible for a wild animal which is not 'Meshulachas' to kill someone, because Hash-m decreed that it should.

In other words, 'Meshulachas' and 'Einah Meshulachas' are situations not directly connected with who dies and who does not, whereas who is mauled and who isn't, is a matter of Hashgachah, and is not directly connected with whether the animal is Meshulachas or not.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.