More Discussions for this daf
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4. Terumas ha'Deshen and Hotza'as ha'Deshen 5. Shulchan 6. Does one mourn the loss of parents more than the loss of children?
7. Fire on the Mizbe'ach 8. Differences Between the First and Second Beis Ha'Mikdash 9. Grammar and Deeper Meaning
10. אלו חמשה דברים שהיו בין מקדש ראשון למקדש שני 11. ענינא דיומא (לא עלינו)

hg schild asked:

How was it like a dog in the Second Temple? I thought no fire came from Shamayim then? Does anyone say it was like a dog in the First beis hamikdash when times were not as holy?

hg schild, nu usa

The Kollel replies:

(1) The Gemara asks your question when it cites a Beraisa that 5 things were missing from the Second Temple, one of which was the fire. The Gemara answers that there was in fact fire from Heaven in the 2nd but it did not eat up the sacrifices at all. To eat up the sacrifices it was necessary continuously to put wood, provided by people, on the Mizbeach. (See Meiri).

(2) I did not find anyone who distinguishes between different periods of the First Temple. In fact according to Maharsha's explanation (DH Revutzah) it would not be appropriate to make such a distinction because he explains that the symbolism of the lion in the 1st was because it was built by Shlomo Hamelech who was from the Tribe of Yehudah who is compared to a lion (see Bereishis 49:9). In contrast the 2nd Temple was built by the Persian king Cyrus who is compared to a dog (see Rosh Hashanah 4a). According to this explanation it was the spiritual forces that were put into each Temple which determined what blessing would prevail in each one.


D. Bloom