More Discussions for this daf
1. Se'ar Beis ha'Shechi 2. Shlomo's horses 3. Gezeirah of Yichud after Amnon and Tamar
4. Torah In Hebrew 5. How Many Horses Did Shlomo ha'Melech Have? 6. Pilegesh l'Hedyot
7. Ashuris 8. Tzadok ha'Kohen 9. מפני מה לא נתגלו טעמי תורה
10. נימא נקשרה לו
1. Chaim Mateh asks:

Sanhedrin 21b:

Regarding how many horses Shlomo haMelech had, the two opinions are that he had either 40,000x4,000 or 4,000x40,000. Either way, he had 160,000,000 horses!!! That's about 20 times the current human population of the State of Israel!

Is this the actual horse count or is the Gemoro here a guzma? Were all the horses in Eretz Yisroel, or were the 160 million horses spread out all over the world?

Chaim Mateh, Rechovot, Israel

2. The Kollel replies:

1) It seems that this is not a guzma since it is not one of the examples of exageration mentioned in Gemara Chulin 90b.

2) However it is probable that the horses were spread all over the world since Gemara Megilah top 11b states that Shlomo Hamelech ruled over the entire world.


Dovid Bloom