More Discussions for this daf
1. The Ten "Ma'amaros" 2. The source for saying Hallel with ten people 3. Poeple who read
4. How does one divide 10 Pesukim into 3 fair parts? 5. Is k'Chatzos the same as Ad Chatzos? 6. Are time and space one and the same?
7. Ein Poschin v'Ein Mosifin 8. Rashi DH Rishon 9. k'Neded Mi in Yosef Daas
10. אין פותחין ואין מוסיפין

Ariela Feuerstein-Rudin asked:

How many people read on Yom Tov and can there be more??

Ariela Feuerstein-Rudin, Teaneck Nj,07666

The Kollel replies:

Five men read. The Rambam permits more but the Ashkenazi custom is not to add, except for Simchat Torah. (OC 282:1)

Kollel Iyun Hadaf