(a) The Gemara says that Megilla Taanis was Botul. Why was it?
(b) It also says that from 8 Nissan until after Pesach they were arguing about when Shavuos is so we don't fast. What about Taanis Bechorim?
(c) The Gemara at one stage says that the reason why it says in Megillas Taanis from 1 Nissan unti 8 Nissan is because sometimes you'll have 30 Adar. My question is why don't we say that you're never allowed to fast the 30th of a month because maybe the witnesses will come today?
Aaron Pacanowski
Melbourne, Australia
Dear Aaron
Hello there and thanks for your wonderful questions.
a. Most probably since there is no reason to celebrate something which no longer has an impact on us. All other Yamim Tovim (together with Chanukah and Purim) continue to have an impact on us despite the fact that we are in Galus.
b. This is an excellent question. The Gemara on 12a states that if a person accepted a fast upon himself before the day was declared a Yom Tov in Megilas Ta'anis it overrides the Yom Tov. This is this case: the Bechorim are required to fast, but the Yom Tov prevents other people from fasting.
c. This is also an excellent question and can be found in the Rashash. The Netziv in Meromei Sadeh suggests that since in most years Rosh Chodesh Nissan is only one day, thus this case of having two days is extraordinary and the prohibition of fasting applies only to the first day of Nissan, the only day of Rosh Chodesh in regular years.
Another suggestion is that although Rosh Chodesh is from the Torah it doesn't mean that the prohibition to fast on Rosh Chodesh is also a Torah prohibition. (With regard to Shabbos there are opinions that the prohibition to fast is mid'Rabanan.) Thus in case of a Safek Rosh Chodesh it is a Safek d'Rabanan and fasting might be permissible.
All the best.
Y. Landy