More Discussions for this daf
1. Keri'as Shema Read Out of Order 2. War the Beginning of the Geulah? 3. Counting the Years of Yakov through Yishmael
4. Mashiach Before or After Rebuilding of Jerusalem 5. Language which Torah was Given 6. Minalan and Shemoneh Esreh
7. The use of Braille 8. Does the sun first rise or first set? 9. And what if Talmud Torah was only equal to Kibud Av Vem?
10. Ivrit and Ashurit 11. Yakov Punished 12. Reading the Megilah in Hebrew without Understanding
13. Minim 14. Yaakov's Age 15. וכיון שנבנית ירושלים בא דוד

alex Lebovits asked:

The Gem. brings a proof that Talmud Torah is greater because Yaakov didn't get punished for the years he was learning. Perhaps they are equal?! And when two mitzvohs are equal then a person has a right to choose whichever he wants. (similar to a case where a mother has no obligation to be mechabed the father; and both ask for a glass of water; the son may choose to serve whoever he wants first.)

Kol Tuv

alex Lebovits, toronto, canada

The Kollel replies:

Yakov already began Kibud Av by leaving for Charan and he wouldn't be allowed to "drop it" and start a new Mitzvah unless the second one was greater.

Mordecai Kornfeld