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Moshe Reinitz asked:

16b #2 Letter C

>The second Luchos, which contained only the Aseres ha'Dibros, could be written on ordinary hewn stone, and Moshe Rabeinu himself could inscribe the words in his own hand.<

Although it doesn't say Moshe wrote the second Luchos it sounds like that is what it is saying. It follows the statement that it could be written on ordinary hewn stone, and it implies that Moshe Wrote them. In Ki Sisa Hash-m tells Moshe that "I will write the d'vroim that were on the first Luchos."

Perhaps the meaning meant here is that technically Moshe COULD have done it.

The Kollel replies:

Reb Moshe,

Yasher Koach! You are correct; as is evident from the verses (and Rabeinu Bachye and the Ibn Ezra say clearly), Moshe hewed the stones but Hash-m inscribed them. I will correct that to make it more clear.

