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1. "Kaftinan, Asrinan, Hardafah" 2. How long is a Babylonian 'Nezifah' 3. 800 People with One Arrow
4. מתפקר בשליחא דבי דינא

Gershon Lewis asks:


What is pshat in David killing 800 people with one arrow? Actual arrow? Spiritual arrow? Is 800 to be taken literally?



The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

It was a real arrows - just like the earth that Avraham Avinu threw at the four kings which turned into arrows. We don't need to explain in logical terms miracle that occurred in biblical times, any more than we need to explain the Ten Plagues, the Splitting of the Reed Sea, or the falling of the Manna and Miriam's Well which sustained our ancestors in the desert.

Hash-m is perfectly capable of making an arrow pass from one victim to another with one shot - especially when the archer is a Tzadik of the caliber of David ha'Melech.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.