More Discussions for this daf
1. A Beis Din in Eretz Yisrael at the time of Mordechai 2. What is the proof that Mordechai was demoted? 3. Mordechai taken by Haman through Shushan
4. 10,000 Silver Talents - or the Omer? 5. Remembering Charvonah Favorably 6. Keeping a secret
7. Divrei Shalom v'Emes 8. Shirah Arech Al Gabei Leveinah or Al Gabei Arech 9. Mordechai and Politics
10. הורידו את מרדכי מגדלתו

Chaim G. Schild asks:

Here it says that Haman noted that the Omer was better than 10,000 pieces of silver

But elsewhere (13b) we find that the 10,000 silver for the Mishkan adamim "preceded".


hg, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

The 10,000 talents of the Jews preceded those of Haman by a long shot - since they were collected in the Midbar (and every year thereafter, when there was a Beit ha'Mikdash). Yet that didn't stop Haman from nearly destroying Klal Yisrael, until Hash-m accepted the fast and prayers of Mordechai (and the children - as discussed at length in my Purim recording for 5772, ). Apparently, all they acomplished was that they prevented Haman from immediately destroying all of the Jews, leaving them time (until Adar) to pray and change the decree.

What actually overturned the decree was the Omer (or studying the laws of the Omer), as Haman himself witnessed when he came to grant Mordecai his honors and found Mordechai teaching the children about the Omer.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld