More Discussions for this daf
1. The value of Pi 2. Shtei Luchos 3. Order of Nevi'im
4. Width of Sefer Torah 5. Rashi DH Al Yedei 6. The Box Given By The Pelishtim

1. Yehonason Goldman asked:

Where can I find a copy of the letter from the Steipler telling Collel Chazon Eish not to make rounded luchos rather square ones as is mashma from the gemora on this daf. I have found R. Shach's letter and R. M. Shternbuch's teshuva both quoting this letter but I have not been able to find the letter itself. I need it by monday afternoon. If you know of any reasons given for the minhag of the world to round the luchos I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time and effort. I have no access to Yosef Daas on Babba Basra otherwise I would have looked there as well.

Yehonason Goldman, Gateshead U.K.

2. The Kollel replies:

I am not sure where the Steipler's letter is; I would look in Karyana d'Igresa. Yosef Da'as does not address the issue.

M. Kornfeld