I am wondering if perhaps there is a mistake in the review answers on daf 14 answer 8a 1 and 2.
(a) We learn from the Pasuk ...
1. ... in B'har "mi'Kesef Miknaso" that a Jewish servant belonging to a Nochri can acquire his freedom with money.
2. ... in Mishpatim "v'Hefdah" that an Amah Ivriyah who is sold to a Jew can acquire her freedom with money.<<
It seems to me that the gemara is asking fromm the perspective of whether one can acquire an eved ivri with kesef not the perspective of whether or not the eved ivri can acquire his own freedom with kesef.
Its possible I may be misunderstanding something here so please let me know if the above is correct.
josh, Queens, NY
Sholom Rav
The Pasuk is referring to the Eved Ivri acquiring himself (hence my mistake), but the Gemara's proof is that one can acquire an Eved Ivri with Kesef, just as you said.
Thank you for pointing it out.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.
Eliezer Chrysler.