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1. Is Chazakah stronger than a Rov? 2. Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri 3. Addition to Mishnah
4. רובא וחזקה

Meir Gerber asks:

Question: What indication is there in the language of the Mishna is there that allows the gemara to suggest that there was an additional rov consisting of Keronos shel Tzipori (Just to make the halacha fit)

Meir Gerber, United States

The Kollel replies:

Very nice question! I invite you to see the Rashash who suggests that at least the choice of city is based on the fact that Rebbi Yosi is known to have lived in the city of Tzipori (Sukah 16b, Sanhedrin 32b). Regarding the presence of higher population due to transportation at certain periods, I would imagine that is also known to be a reasonable assessment of the city's regular affairs.

I see that the Mesivta edition refers to an apparently different explanation of the Chasam Sofer which theoretically I would love to bring into the discussion (supposedly DH Aval), but -- to my dismay -- when I checked in the Chasam Sofer, I did not succeed yet in locating it.

Best wishes,

Yishai Rasowsky