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Moshe Deutsch asked:

In Megillah 14a the gemoro says that there were 7 nevios and all the meforshim ask what about Rivka Rochel & Leah and they give various explanations.... but the question arises: What exactly did leah do?

Rashi brings the gemoro in brochos which says that she was "don don batzmo" and seems to say that she was pregnant with a boy and her tefillos switched it to a girl.. However, the yonoson ben uziel says that both rochel and leah were pregnant - rochel with a girl and leah with a boy and her tefilos switched them ..if yonoson ben uziel was a tana how can gemoro argue on that.

Kol Tuv

Moshe Deutsch

The Kollel replies:

1. The Chida (Rav Chayim Yosef David Azulai) writes in his Sefer Shem ha'Gedolim (part 2, Ma'areches Sefarim, in the entry on Targum Yonasan) in the name of the Mahari Chagiz that what we refer to as "Targum Yonasan ben Uziel" on the Torah was not actually written by Yonasan, but in fact is termed "Targum Yerushalmi." The Chida cites the Mahari Chagiz in Halachos Ketanos 2:170 who writes that when the Aruch (written by Rabeinu Nasan of Rome, who lived slightly before the time of Rashi) cites what we refer to as "Targum Yonasan" on the Chumash, the Aruch refers to it as "Yerushalmi," while what we call "Targum Yonasan" on the Nevi'im he refers to as "Targum Yonasan."

2. According to the above, it may be that what we refer to as "Targum Yonasan" on the Chumash was not actually written by a Tana.

3. I should point out that the opinions mentioned above (in 1) are not actually so surprising, since the Gemara in Megilah (3a) states that Unkelos wrote the Targum of the Torah, while the Targum of Nevi'im was written by Yonasan ben Uziel. This would suggest that Yonasan did not write the Targum on Torah.

4. Despite what we mentioned above, it appears that there are still commentators who maintain that Yonasan really did write the Targum on Chumash. Perhaps we will make this the topic of a followup answer to explain how the Gemara disagrees with Yonasan concerning Rachel and Leah.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom