Question: The gemorah relates a story about a student who learns every day and all of a sudden dies at an early age. His wife goes around and show his tefilim and ask why did this happen. Eliyahu comes and ask her abiut the way he acted when she ws counting her days to go to mikvah. she said they ate together and sleep clothed together, and Eliyhu said that since he ws not careful thats why he died. My Question is Why didnt she die also why only him?
The Gemara tells us that Hash-m is very exacting with the righteous "even unto the thread of a hair" (Bava Kama 50a; Yevamos 121b), and therefore the student was held more accountable.
Alternatively, it could be that she was indeed supposed to die, but Hash-m spared her life in order for Eliyahu to reveal to everyone that Hash-m does not take away lives if there is no sin, for righteous and just are the ways of Hash-m.
It could also be that she had righteous ancestors whose merit protected her, or the merit of her own Mitzvos protected her.
Also, a woman's involvement in intimate conduct with her husband is considered by the Gemara as passive ("Karka Olam," Sanhedrin 74b), and therefore her participation was deemed less severe.
All the best,
Yisrael Shaw