Please correct me but my understanding of daf 13 and the eved is that we look at the eved having benefited from being taken care of. Rabbi Schmarayohu Shulman once explained to me at a wedding that some slaves are better off in slavery.
finally, are their comparisons between an eved and a wife belonging to her husband?
Philip Davidovits
Hi Philip,
The Gemara in a few places mentions that a slave would prefer his situation more than being free. this must be understood depended culture. we are talking about a gentile person who was bought as a slave, and if he would be free, he would turn into a Ger who needs to join the Jewish people, not by choice. usually, that is not on the slave's agenda, and he would rather stay where he is. If there is a special case, what is considered a Zechus for him, the rational would obviously change.
As for your second remark, I remember what my father z"l used to say, and I think I even remember him saying this to Rav Shmaryahu Shulman. The Targum Unkelus always transelates 'Baal' as an owner. Only by a husband and wife, he never uses that term. A husband does not own his wife in any way.
Kol Tuv,
Aharon Steiner