on daf yud gimmel amud alef near the bottom, there are two versions of the story about how moshe got yosef's bones. in the first one moshe speaks directly to yosef but more immportantly says yosef twice: Amar Lo Yosef Yosef, Higia ...
however in the second version its missing the Lo (even though as we see its directly to him) and is only once: Amar Lo Yosef, Higia ...
do you know any reason as to why a) its missing Lo the secind time and b) there might be a discrepancy in the number of times the name is mentioned (maybe something along the lines double equaling chibah or something like that) because this question has been bothering me for a while.
Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer
yosef klein, brooklyn usa
1) I was also thinking, along the lines that you suggest, that the double wording suggests Chibah, but I would add that the difference between the two versions depends on where Yosef was buried. According to the first version he was buried in the Nile, while according to the second version he was in the royal burial site.
2) Therefore, in the second version, it was not possible to use the affectionate double phrasing, "Yosef, Yosef," because it is not respectable to a king to say his name twice in an affectionate manner. In addition, in the second version, "Lo" is not used, because one does not speak directly to a king, but rather merely mentions the king's name in a less personal way.
3) In contrast, in the first version, Yosef was placed in the Nile River. Because he was not buried with the kings, it was possible to be affectionate and say "Yosef, Yosef," and Moshe Rabeinu could also speak directly to him and say "Lo."
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom