More Discussions for this daf
1. Relying on a Chazakah or Rov pertaining to one item to clarify the status of another item 2. Rav Meir vs. the Rabanan 3. Difference between Mukas Etz and Derusas Ish
4. Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi and the opinion of Rebbi Yehoshua

Al asked:

My question is, Whats the difference if the lady is a muchas etz or a derusas ish, She will be forbidden to a cohen because she will be a divorcee?


The Kollel replies:

A Derusas Ish is also Mutar to a Kohen if the "Ish" was not Asur to her. The argument is over the amount of the Kesuvah.

Even if the claim was that she was a Derusas Ish after the marriage, b'Ones (which the husband would not claim, because if he did, he would then have to pay the whole Kesuvah), she would save herself from becoming Asur to a Kohen in the eventuality that her husband died and did not divorce her.

Dov Zupnik