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1. The face of the Cherub 2. A brilliant child 3. Sifsei Chachamim cited in the Insights
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7. מרחק שמים לארץ

Howard Schild asked:

Where can I look up SIFSEI CHACHAMIM (Berachos 3a) that you quote? Who originated that the six wings correspond to the six words in baruch Shem. Where can I look this up?

Also, where in Kol ELiyahu (page, section) and where in MAchzor Vitri?

howard, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

Although the invaluable resource on Berachos is available in all Jewish book stores that sell Rishonim and Acharonim, I presume from your question that it is not available in your parts. Send us a fax number and we will BE"H fax you a copy of the page.

Sorry, it was Divrei Eliyahu (also from the Vilna Gaon), in a section entitled "Tefilah," p. 92 in my print. The Machzor Vitri is cited by Tosfos in Berachos 3a, as we noted in the Insight. I do not know where to find it in the Machzor Vitri itself.

Be well, Mordecai