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4. Stam Yeinam Atu Yayin Nesech 5. Esther seeing Mordechai 6. 7 Adar Moshe Meis
7. Bisyah 8. Geirus of Bisyah Bas Par'oh

Boruch Kahan asks:

We know that Homon went wrong in his Cheshboinos because he never knew that actually Moshe not only died in Adar but was born in Adar so that was not so bad for Klal Yisroel

But its mashmah without this then Homon would have been right Keiluit WAS a bad Simon for Klal Yisroel.I have a difficulty with this because a lot of this Gemoro is found in the Medrash Rabbah on Megilas Esther and if you look there in Parshas 7 Ois 11 which is on Perek 3 Possuk 7 you will see there is a very big Arichus on the Cheshboinos of Homon,when it comes to the month of Cheshvon he thought it WAS NOT a good month to make the Gezeiroh against Klal Yisroel since that was the month Soroh died-Agav the Meforshim have problems with that since its Mashmah she didnt die in Cheshvan anayway Lehoniach we can answer that you certainly have Rochel who died in Cheshvan no one argues with that but Al Kol Ponim you see from the Medrash that there in Cheshavan Homon uses the death of a Tzaddik /Tzadekes as a Zechus to NOT MAKE THE GEZEIROH THEN and in Adar he uses the death of Moshe a Tzaddik as a Chiyuv It does not seem to be consistent.Any ideas and this is not a Purim Torah question but a Heoroh on the supposed inconsistency I would like a genuine Terutz and not a Purim Torah please if possible

Shkoyach Boruch Kahan

Boruch Kahan, London UK

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav

The Medrash Rabah ha'Mevu'ar asks your Kashya, and he answers, that, unlike Sarah, who died as a result of the Akeidah, in which case her death is considered a Z'chus, Moshe died on account of the Water of Merivah, which was to his detriment. Its amazing what Lamdanim Haman and his ilk become when it comes to finding excuses to wipe out K'lal Yisrael.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.

Boruch Kahan comments:

I have just thought a Heoroh on this Terutz that something does not quite "Shtim" .When it comes to The Medrash's Cheshbon Legabbay Choidesh Teves it says a Possuk in Ezra about a Tekufah which was Mazeldik for them.

But Lefi Orach Chaim Siman 580 in the Megilas Taanis list the Mishna Berurah brings in Ois 13 and the Beer Hagolah says Beshem the Kol Bo that Ezra died on the 9th of Teves. So in the same way that Homon uses the Choidesh of Cheshvan not to kill Bnei Yisroel because of Misas Soroh Imeinu being a Zechus why not use the 9th of Teves as also a Zechus being Ezra's Yom HaMisoh.

Eloh Mai Muz Men Zuggen that maybe Ezra's date of Misoh WAS NOT on that date otherwise Homon would have used it instead of coming on to his other Cheshbon brought down in the Medrash seeing as we have said that Homon seemed to be a bit of a Lamdan.

Boruch Kahan

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav

I have an alternative P'shat to answer your kashya.. One can safely assume that Haman was neither a Lamdan (so he did not see the Shulchan Aruch you quoted), a Navi or a Shul-goer (so he did not see the S'lichos on Ta'anis Esther which mentions the death of Ezra ha'Sofer. That being the case, man darf zoggen that he could not have known when Ezra died (he had probably never heard of Ezra in the first place) - because Ezra died some forty years after Haman made his Gorol (and after he died).

Wishing you a freilichen Purim

Be'Virchas kol tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.