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1. Misuse of a shortcut 2. Rava's statement "and I last" 3. Yavam
4. Nevu'ah

1. df asked:

Regarding Nevuah being taken away -- the insites begins by talking about Nevuah but ends talking about Ruach HaKodesh. We know from the Gemara in Megilah and the inyan of Sfarim Mtameh Es HaYadayim, that there is a difference. Which one is it? Thanks,

DF, bklyn

2. The Kollel replies:

Good Diyuk. The Insights to which you refer state:

(b) The RAMBAN therefore gives a different explanation for the Gemara. He asserts that all Nevi'im certainly were Chachamim, as the Gemara in Nedarim says. When the Gemara here says that Nevu'ah was taken away from the prophets but not from the Chachamim, it means that the Nevu'ah of the sort that comes to a person in a prophetic vision was taken away, but not the type of Nevu'ah that a person has through Chochmah, wisdom. Even though they no longer are able to have prophetic visions, the Chachamim are still able to achieve knowledge of the truth through the Ru'ach ha'Kodesh that rests upon them. (See also CHASAM SOFER and YA'AVETZ here.) (I. Alsheich)

The last line of that paragraph, which mentions "Ru'ach ha'Kodesh," is a translation of the words of the Ramban. The Ramban apparently uses the term "Ru'ach ha'Kodesh" in order to distinguish between the type of Nevu'ah which a Navi receives, and the type of "knowledge of the truth" which the Chachamim have. See the Ramban inside.

Y. Shaw