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13. Praying for a sick person on Shabbos 14. Tefilin 15. Aramaic

Gershon Dubin asked:

What is the chidush of the Gemara's saying one can go out with Tefilin E"Sh im chashecha since the derech is to be memashmesh.

Even if he went out with Tefilin on Shabbos it's derech malbush as the Mishna says in Eiruvin. So what's the problem erev Shabbos?

Gershon Dubin, Brooklyn NY USA

The Kollel replies:

Spot on!

Many Rishonim ask your Kashya, adding that since the Chashash is that he might then take the Tefilin off and carry them (which is the reason for the prohibition of going out into the Reshus ha'Rabim wearing Tefilin), and consequently, it is a Gezeirah-li'Gezeirah, of which Rava does not hold.

The Yosef Da'as cites two answers to the question; 1. Rashba answers that it is a bother to take them off, or because, unlike other objects, he will not be able to throw them down once he realizes that he is wearing them, he is bound to go out with them in the street. 2. The Me'iri, who explains that the Gemara's answer is according to Abaye, who holds that we sometimes do hold of Gezeirah li'Gezeirah.

See also the Bi'urei ha'Daf, who cites another four or five answers to the Kashya, one of them, that of the Beis Yosef, who explains that the Sugya is speaking about a case where he is holding the Tefilin in his hand (see note 19).

Another, that of the Magen Avraham, who explains that since he is bound to remove his Tefilin when he needs to relieve himself, it is considered one Gezeirah, and not a Gezeirah-li'Gezeirah.

Kol Tuv

R. Eliezer Chrysler