More Discussions for this daf
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4. Question regarding Sechach 5. Clarification of Kevi'ei and depiction of Eizov 6. The first Tosfos on the Daf

Tzvi B asks:

What is the ikar pshat in that Tosfos d.h. I Kevi'ei l'Havei k'Kinufiyos?

Tzvi B, United Kingdom

The Kollel replies:

Dear Tzvi,

The Gemara asks that Naklitin, if it's Kvi'I should be totally like Kinofos- even under 10 Tefachim is forbidden- and that's not true-

It bothers Tosfos, that after all Naklitin has no Gag-roof; so why should Naklitin under 10 be like Kinofos ?

Tosfos answers (according to the Maharsha that moves 9 words in Tosfos- from Mikol Makom until Asara- to the end of the Tosfos) that a roof under 10 is not enough to be considered a real roof and so we are allowed to compare Naklitin (even for under 10) to Kinofos which is under 10 and forbidden, so Naklitin under 10 should also be forbidden.

However, afterwords the Gemara changes it's opinion, and Kinofos is more Kvi'I than Naklitin.

All the best, Reuven Weiner

Tzvi B. asks:

But why does the question only apply after Shmuel came along?

The Kollel replies:

Dear Tzvi,

Naklitin (without a roof) is no good above 10. Shmuel says that Kilas Chasanim (without a roof) is good above 10. Because of this the Gemara answers that Naklitin is K'vi'i- and that causes a question from Kinofos. Without Shmuel, Naklitin doesn't have to be called K'vi'i.

All the best, Reuven Weiner