More Discussions for this daf
1. Mezuzos on places which are Kadosh 2. Mezuzah for a stable, chicken roosts, straw shed 3. Checking Mezuzos twice in seven, or fifty, years
4. Mezuzah 5. Mezuzos on gates of cities 6. Frequency of checking Mezuzah
7. Shmuel's Shelichis Mitzvah 8. Contradiction 9. Bedikas Mezuzos
10. בתי כנסת של כפרים לענין מזוזה

David Taqqu asks:

Avulei demechusa, not for entering the city but for the Dira in the wall ! Compare: eruvin daf 6b: if doors not closed, Reshut Harabim, Rashi, 600000 entering ?

David Taqqu, Switzerland

The Kollel replies:

Rashi here DH Abuli writes that Abuli deMechuza are the gates of Mechuza, and in Eruvin 6b Rashi DH Abuli also writes that they are the gates of that city. In Yoma 11a Abaye asked Rav Safra why did the Rabbis not put a Mezuzah on those gates? The question was that since the Torah states (as we say every day in Keriyas Shema) that there is a Mitzvah to fix a Mezuzah on the gates, why then do the gates of Mechuza not have a mezuzah? One should need a Mezuzah not just for the Dira in the wall itself, but for all of the 600,000 people living in Mechuza?!

Shabbat Shalom

Dovid Bloom