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4. The Get in Rebbi Meir's Beis Medrash
1. Joshua Danziger asks:

Hello kollel!

The Gemara mentions a case where a woman had biah and she doesn't know with whom. R meir gives her a get and the rest of the beis medrash follows suit.

My q is, in the machloket w r elazar in eidei chasima karsi, r Meir is very strict with the witnesses to a get. How can he possibly allow himself and his beis medrash to issue a dubious get like this where no one knows whose really the husband etc?

Thank you.


2. The Kollel replies:

Each Get was written "Lishmah" by the scribe, for the "husband" (or perhaps in proper English usage "for the alleged husband") and signed by two Eidim that the man writing the get and giving it to this woman is one and the same with what is stated in the Get. After all of those present gave their Get, if she actually was married to any of them, she is now divorced. It was essentially irrelevant that this woman was may not have been married to any of the men she accused of having married her. After this treatment she is single again. Does this ring true? If not, I'd like to request you to please clarify your question for me.

Shimon Brodie