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Joshua Danziger asks:

Hello Rav Kornfeld and the kollel, the mishna in shabbos 1:2 is referenced in the gemara 11a. It lists a few cases, starting with a tailor going out on shabbos, then with delousing, reading by the lamp, and zav and zavah.

My question is that on daf13b (and the mishna 1:3) when we start the discussion of the 18 decrees, it seems obvious to the gemara that the tailor going out with his pen on shabbos is not one of the 18, while delousing, reading by a lamp, and zav/zavah are. Rashi and Tosafos don't seem to deal with it either. Any idea why its so "obvious" that the first case of the mishna is excluded from possibly being one of the 18?

Thank you!


The Kollel replies:

Dear Joshua,

The Gemara (from 13b to 17b) lists the 18. The exact count is not explicitly listed. See Rashi (DH Kulan). But there is only 18 and not more.

The Gemara is not sure if "Aylu" is on, before, or after. The proof of "before" is the Beraisa that lists only delousing and lamp-reading without any "after" cases. So Rashi included these two but cannot include more because of the others listed. Perhaps in the beginning he did not try to include more, like tailor, either because there is no room for more, or because we see from the proof of the Beraisa that the Gemara never meant more than these two.

(Note: See Tosfos 17b, DH Hanicha, who says that Rashi does not count Zav/Zavah even though Tosfos does.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner