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Avrumi hersh asks:

Rashi in 11a dh bameh nidunom says: the anshey mabul and sodom all received midah kneged midah punishments. Where exactly was the midah kneged midah by destruction of Sodom by brimstone. Also what was the same by the flood? (Perhaps the flood was appropriate because it had boiling water,.like the sins of seed of hishchis kol bosor??)

Avrumi hersh , London england

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

Some commentaries explain the Midah k'Neged Midah regarding the flood as you suggested. The Tosefta in Sotah, 9:3 explains that it is because thy boasted that they barely need Hash-m to send rain, since they have ample rivers and fountains to provide them with all the water they Need.

Regarding the Dor ha'Mabul, it goes nicely with the Pirkei de'R. Eliezer, which tells us that the law in S'dom was that anyone who fed a poor man, was sentenced to death by burning - and that is what happened to the daughter of Lot, when she was discovered feeding a poor man clandestinely. Perhaps one can add that Hash-m overturned S'dom (chap. 19, Pasuk 25) because they turned the most basic social values upside-down.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

Eliezer Chrysler.