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1. Daf Review Questions 2. Paying salaries from Terumas ha'Lishkah 3. Tiklin Chaditin

Mordechai Torczyner asked:

Shaloam aleichem,

At the bottom of 10a the gemara explains the pains taken in paying kotzrim, shomrim, chotzvin and satasim, to make sure that the shekalim they received were not directly from hekdesh. The solution was to be podeh their materials.

Yet, on 10b (and Kesuvos 106a) we find that various people who had no "materials" were also paid from trumas halishkah - such as the teachers of the kohanim. How did they receive their salaries?

Mordechai Torczyner, Allentown, PA, US

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos asks your question in Me'ilah 14a (end of DH Bonin). He explains that the problem with paying a salary from Hekdesh arises only with Nidvas Yachid, private donations, since with such donations we cannot say "Lev Beis Din Masneh Aleihem." Where Nidvas Tzibur is involved (such as with Shekalim, which are donated towards the use of the Tzibur), Beis Din is Masneh that the money may be used for whatever salaries they deem necessary. The Chok Nasan elaborates that this Heter is only applicable to money of Sheyarei ha'Lishkah, but from the wording of Tosfos, and from the Gemara here in Shekalim, it would seem that his principle indeed applies to Terumas ha'Lishkah. (Besides, the Yerushalmi maintains that Sheyarei ha'Lishkah is Chulin altogether, and therefore no Lev Beis Din would be necessary to permit its use.)

Dov Freedman