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1. Rav Kahana's answer 2. Machazir Gerushaso 3. Choletz Marrying His Chalutzah
4. בעלת תנאי

Joshua Danziger asks:

Hello kollel!

If a person does chalitza and then marries or is boel his chalutza, do we say the prohibition of eshes ach returns, or is it gone and there is just a separate prohibition of marrying his chalutza? And if chalitzah is the "flip side" of yibum, since a yavam can do yibum, divorce the woman and then freely remarry her why isn't he allowed to marry her if he's done chalitza?

Thank you.

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara here on 10b says that in place of the Isur Eishes Ach that terminates when the husband of the Yevamah dies, there is a new Isur Lav for the Choletz to marry or have relations with his Chalutzah derived from "Asher Lo Yivneh". While this is the plain meaning of the Gemara, the Rambam (Hilchos Yibum v'Chalitzah 1:12) understands that the Isur for the Choletz to marry the Chalutzah is only d'Rabanan. See the Magid Mishnah who explains the Rambam's reasoning.

There is a Machlokes between Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish whether the Isur Eishes Ach is still in effect regarding the other brothers with respect the Chalutzah, and for all the brothers regarding the Tzarah.

If the Yavam did Yibum and then divorced her, he is permitted to remarry her since she never had the status of a Chalutzah.

Avraham Phillips