More Discussions for this daf
1. The Selection of the Kohanim in Bayis Rishon and Bayis Sheni 2. Which Generation was Greater 3. Sons of Eli
4. No reason to hate Bavli'im 5. "Birah"; Who can talk to Reish Lakish? 6. About a verse chosen by the Gemara to ask a question
7. Kohanim Gedolim in the Second Beis ha'Mikdash 8. Which generation is greater; "Birah"

The "White Shul " of Far Rockaway N.Y. asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld Shlita

1)daf 9B the gemara discusses the sins of the bnei Eli The second was that of Bezayon Kodshim The Kohanim took their portion to eat before the portion of HASH-M (the fats) were burnt on the Mizbayach.

(a) Did this issur apply to the owners of the korbon as well ?? (with regard to their part)

(b) Regardless, who could keep track of which fats was or was not burnt yet.

(c) We know that the burning of the fats could be done all night what effect does this have on causing Nosar?? for a Korbon that may be eaten one day and one night only????

The Kollel replies:

(a) Whether it was forbidden for the owner of a Korban to eat from it

before its fat was burnt on the Mizbayach, is disputed amongst the Poskim.

The Mishneh La'Melech in Hilchos Ma'aseh Hakarbanos (11:4) says the prohibition also applied to the owners, while the Tzelach opines that it applied only to the Kohanim.

(b) As for your concern about the ability of the Kohanim to keep track of

which fats were or were not burnt yet, the Gemora in Pesachim (59b) tells us

that the Kohanim were "Zerizim" and we were not concerned that they would

make such mistakes.

(c) Finally, although it was permitted to burn the fats the whole night,

the Rambam in Hilchos Ma'aseh Hakarbanos (4:3) says that the Kohanim would

not knowingly delay the burning, and would attempt to burn them during the

day. The "sin" of the sons of Eli, was that they didn't even try to burn

the fats first, they wanted their portion immediately.

D. Schloss